Soybean meal contains a lot of nutrients that are good for our health as well as animals, so the use of soybean meal is not to be missed.

Soybean meal and human health

Soybean meal is the insoluble fraction of Soybean in water in the production and processing of soymilk or Tofu.

Soybean meal is milky white or light yellow color, it is very smooth.

Specifically, when using soybean meal, each person will receive the following benefits:

The source of minerals and much nutrients necessary for the body.

Good for heart and blood pressure

Soybean meal does not contain cholesterol so it is good for people with high blood pressure and high blood pressure.

Soybean meal contains high levels of calcium, protein, starch, potassium. Every 100 grams of soybean meal contains 81 mg of calcium, 350 mg of potassium, about 14 grams of carbohydrate and about 17 grams of plant protein.

Soybeans meal contains vitamins B1, E, K, B2. It also provides folic acid and other minerals such as zinc, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper, and sodium.

Effective slimming

Soybeans are high in fiber but low in energy, so if used regularly, soybean meal helps cut off the excess calories. Those who want to lose weight should look to foods that contain these ingredients.

Improves digestion

Every 100 grams of soybean residue contains up to 12 grams of fiber, much more than other foods, including vegetables. Soybean fiber is insoluble in water, so it eliminates the accumulation of toxins in the intestinal wall, prevents stagnant fat in the body, avoids constipation, and can also help prevent Prevent colon cancers.

Great ingredients for beauty

If soy is good for the heart, it is mainly for older people. For beautiful women, soybeans are one of the most important uses to believe and use. You can use soybeans to wash your face, mask daily to have a smooth, white skin. In addition, soybeans also provide moisture for dry skin effectively, blotting bruises and acne very well.

And so…
Asian farmers, such as Japan, China, and South Korea, have used soybean meal for animal feed, fertilizer or natural compost for crops (because soybean residues are high in nitrogen, will be good for the growth of trees does not harm the environment).

In rural areas, soybean residues are usually added to the compost bin or digging holes, which fill the soil to produce soybean residue until it is completely decomposed. Another way that farmers apply soybean soaking in water for one day is to water the plants.

For livestock, in most livestock farms, poultry, soybean meal is one of the most important feed ingredients.

Soybean meal – Raw material for the animal feed

High-quality soybean meal is used as raw material for animal feed.

Soybean meal has a crude protein content of 42-46%, rich in essential amino acids, especially Lysine, which accounts for 2.88%. Soybean meal has an aromatic scent that increases appetite for cattle.

Soybean meal is a by-product of soybean meal processing into soybean or soybean milk. It has a sweet smell, sweet taste, cattle love to eat. The fat and protein content of soybean meal is very high. Soybean meal can be considered as a feed protein for ruminants. Each day can feed 10-15kg / head / day.

Feed the right soybean meal

Do not overdo the use of soybean residue in the black pigs breeding, because the residue of soybean yeast dissolving urea. If large pigs eat more, the enzyme that generates large amounts of Nh3 ammonia can cause poisoning. Therefore, for safe use, it should be divided into small meals for pigs to eat.

Soybean meal can be preserved by filtering the impurities, dried and roasted to a fine powder, finely ground. Sealed to protect in plastic bags, avoid soybean residue in contact with moldy moisture and fermentation. In addition to soybean meal, farmers can use other agricultural by-products such as cassava residue.

Cassava residue is a byproduct of cassava pulp after tapioca starch extraction. According to calculations, about 6 kg of cassava pulp has the energy equivalent to about 1 kg of concentrate.

Processing cassava residue for the black pigs is quite simple, farmers just need to note that when pigs eat more nutritional substances to ensure nutritional balance in their daily diet.

Cassava residue or soybean residue can also be used to supplement the nutrient balance in the feed. The mixture is added to every 6 kg of cassava pulp, 7 kg of soybean residue, a mixture of about 13 kilograms of this gives an energy value equivalent to about 2 kilograms of concentrate.

The processing is as simple as:

Cassava residue with diluted water, dried cassava pulp residue can be preserved by screening methods to remove fibers and external impurities. The remainder is added to the tank to settle the starch and then crystallized and dried for starch and crystallization. At this time the humidity is about 60 percent, then dried or dried until the moisture is about 13 to 14 percent, finally tossing the resulting dried residue. Packed in plastic bags or closed containers for long-term storage.

Since this is a high-yielding pig breed, it is important not only to be careful in breeding techniques but also to select healthy pigs and have appropriate care and a good breeding to get the good black pigs species.

If conditions permit, add some kind of fine powder such as bone meal, shellfish meal, shrimp meal powder, etc., and then substitute 30-50% eat in the diet of the black pigs.

In order to buy the quality feed ingredients such as soybean meal, farmers should choose feed ingredients that have a clear and reputable source, to avoid the risks of feeding animals and can earn higher profits than desired.

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