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VMN Supplier, creating a living soil rich in nutrients is the key to growing healthy fruits and vegetables, abundant flowers, long-living ornamental trees and shrubs. The overall fertility and viability of the soil, rather than the application of fertilizers as quick fixes, is at the very heart of organic home gardening.

When we say organic home gardening we mean working with nature, not against it. It also means less chemical pesticides and fertilizers in our gardens where we play, in the food we put on our tables and covering farmlands across the country. Organic compost returns carbon back into the soil where it belongs instead of losing it into the atmosphere where it contributes to climate change. Whatever you’re buying from cotton buds to carrots when you choose organic food, drink or beauty and textiles, you choose products that promote a better world. VMN SUPPLIER mission is to strengthen and broaden organic home gardening so we can each be a part of greening our corner of the world.

Contact : (+84) 963041076


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